Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Workings of God

One of the most encouraging passages in the Bible is Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those that love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Regardless of what goes on around us and in us, sometimes, God has not lost control. His soverignty is supreme. He is the Rock that will not be moved, and in Him we take our refuge.

While not having access to t.v. is probably a good thing, it sometimes means I'm a bit out of the loop. Case in point: I was visiting with a neighbor when she asked me if I had heard that the world was going to be destroyed by earthquakes in two days (May 21). I said, no, and she didn't seem to have a lot of details, so I promised to do some research and get back to her.

I discovered, what the rest of the world already knew, that a false prophet named Harold Camping had predicted dire earthquakes and the "beginning of the end" for the world on May 21, with an apparent encore scheduled for Oct. 21. I call him a false prophet because he made "end of the world" predictions for 1994, and as we're still here, I can safely say that he was wrong. The Bible tells us not to heed false prophets, and the Bible tells us that "If what a prophet procaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." Deut. 18:22

The more I read the angrier I became toward those who would prey on the fears and vulnerabilities of their fellow man. But, then I realized that this was a golden opportunity for me to witness to my neighbor. Using Camping's fallacies as a platform, I could take her through the gospel while using the authority of God's word to disprove Camping. From that point on I was no longer angry, but rather grateful for how God works all according to His purposes.

I went back to my neighbor with the facts about Harold Camping and my Bible and showed her why we were not to listen to this man. However, according to Matt. 24:36 "but about that day or hour no one knows. . ." If this be the case, then shouldn't we be ready for the "end" or "judgement" every day? She agreed and we talked some more, but I feel she doesn't fully accept the gospel of Christ.

I want to thank you for reading about my experience, and I ask for one favor. Please pray for this lady. I hate to see her remain in fear and bondage, "for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" II Tim. 1:7

1 comment:

  1. I think we would all act much more differently if we behaved as if today really could be the day Jesus is coming back. We would be waiting excitedly, readying ourselves for His long awaited return. We wouldn't worry about irritations, rushing or deadlines, they'd seem a little unimportant compared with the Redeemer's arrival. And yet, I have the head knowledge that Christ could be arrive today, but do in my heart, I know I do not live that way. I let those irritations get to me, I retaliate. I rush, and in so doing, abandon the expectant hope. I forget any notion of anything except me. And forget about the Savior. I hear people sometimes say, "if Christ came back today, would you be ready?" If Christ came back today, would I be ready? Would I please Him through my actions? Through my words with others would I glorify Him? Or not?
